Some recommended Christian resources:

Bible Memory app
The Bible Project
Blue Letter Bible
The Chosen app
GodTools app
The New City Catechism
Our Daily Bread
Share Your Faith app
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
YouVersion - The Bible App

Our weekly gatherings...

Sunday mornings

Sunday School - 9:30am

Life Group - 9:30am

Morning Worship - 10:30am

Sunday nights

Skywatchers - 5pm 1st & 3rd Sundays
(Boys ministry)
SMM - 5pm 1st & Third Sundays
(Girls ministry)
FOCUS - 5pm each week
(Jr. High/High School Students)

Visit us:                                    

© Copyright Rittman Grace Brethren Church
We are connected to a larger network of churches known as the Charis Alliance

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