Jesus co-missions His followers to be disciples and make disciples. To see others know Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him and others. This means helping mature other followers into knowing Jesus more and more and offering those that don’t know Jesus the opportunity to know Him and become His disciple.
Discipleship: Following Jesus (see Matthew 4:19)
Disciple-Making: Follow me as I follow Jesus (see 1 Corinthians 11:1)
After coming to know Jesus, we find ourselves in varying stages of maturity in our relationship with Him and others. How do you view Jesus in your relationship? How can you help others grow in their relationship with Jesus?
Through disciple-making, with the Gospel at the center, individuals growing in discipleship by following God, sharing His truth, and being examples of the love of Jesus to all...
When this happens, disciples are multiplied, our groups multiply and ultimately Jesus’ Church will grow and multiply.
This is Jesus’ collaborative mission that He calls His disciples into, to make disciples of all nations.
Whether we’re going across the street to our neighbors or going across the seas to the nations, disciples of Jesus are called to make disciples as we go about our everyday lives.
As we start building relationships with others and begin to establish their faith in Jesus, we can encourage them to make a physical and spiritual declaration with baptism.
The command to teach may seem overwhelming but Jesus’ command here is to learn and obey the teachings of Jesus with one another, allowing Jesus to be the ultimate teacher as we learn together from Him.
We all have neighbors living in proximity of our home and daily lives. These are the neighbors that Jesus wants us to share the Gospel with. (see Mark 12:28-31)
New Believers.
The Church is to actively help with the growth of new believers with their relationship to Jesus and others. (see Ephesians 4:14-16)
There is no greater ministry or responsibility than to teach and model the way of Jesus to our children. (see Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
The young and zealous always need the wisdom of the older generation, to teach and train younger men and women (see Titus 2)
Whether overseas or within our own communities, Jesus’ call is to make disciples of all people groups. (see Matthew 28:16-20)
Our first step in disciple-making is to be a disciple of Jesus. This means growing in our relationship with Jesus, being a life-long learner or apprentice of Him and His Word(s). This may also include being discipled by someone!
Disciple-Making workshops COMING SOON!
Start engaging the co-mission by discipling others, either one on one or one on few! Or consider being discipled by someone first to see how it goes!
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